Ferrari - The world's greatest F1 team in pictures Magazine (Digital Version)

With over 180 pages, this specially designed iPad app celebrates the history of Scuderia Ferrari and their 60 years of Formula One victories. Analysing each decade since the F1 World Championship began, as well as the pre-1950 era, the app includes stunning photography of many of Ferrari’s greatest ever victories – from their first ever Formula One win at Silverstone in 1951, to Fernando Alonso’s stunning victory at the same circuit this year. Originally published in print in 2009 as 80 years of Ferrari. This version includes new images/editorial.

Sale price$3.13
Digital magazine

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Country:              United Kingdom

ISSN Number:      HFF1

Published By:       Haymarket Media Group Ltd

Category:             Cars & Motorcycles

Fulfilled By:          Zinio

Available On:        Web Reader, Desktop Reader, iPad, iPhone & Android

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