Jet Asia Pacific 尊翔 Magazine (Digital Version)

JET Asia -Pacific is an elite magazine delivering the latest news on private and business aviation. Read by Asian-based,high net worth individuals, JET Asia -Pacific offers insights and trends in a luxurious, bilingual (Chinese / English) format.In the online space, JET Asia -Pacific proves it is the most trusted media brand among aircraft users, owners, and buyers. Our website, JETAsiaPacific .com is China’s leading online destination among ultra-affluent jet buyers throughout the Middle Kingdom.随着低空空域的逐步开放,中国已成为世界主要公务机制造商公认最有前景的市场之一。为了满足亚洲对私人飞机领域日益增长的兴趣,《尊翔》紧跟亚洲私人和公务机市场惊人的增长势头,报导并推动了该地区公务航空业的快速发展。随着亚洲对公务机日益增长的兴趣,以及基础设施的迅速发展,《尊翔》看到,消费者和制造商之间需要一个专业的沟通平台,以满足他们对行业知识的巨大渴求。《尊翔》是一本报道私人和公务机行业最新新闻的精英杂志。《尊翔》读者群主是亚洲地区的富豪,杂志使用中英双语出版,对私人飞机市场的趋势具有深刻见解。凭借自身在游艇行业中的领衔地位,《尊翔》杂志已成为最受公务机业界追捧的先锋刊物。我们的网站Jet Asia Pacific .com ,旨在通过自身的资源优势,为公务机买家及爱好者营造最理

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Digital magazine

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Country:              Singapore

ISSN Number:      2013142701

Published By:       Singapore Press Holdings Limited

Category:             DIGITAL

Fulfilled By:          Zinio

Available On:        Web Reader, Desktop Reader, iPad, iPhone & Android

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