Build Rock Hard Abs Magazine (Digital Version)

If you want to be the proud owner of an impressive six-pack in just eight weeks, this is the book for you. It contains an eight-week training programme designed to sculpt solid abs and burn away stomach fat to show off your impressive six-pack. But it will do more than that. Each of the 24 training sessions, which are clearly demonstrated with pictures and form guides, will also add new muscle across your torso. The MagBook also contains everything you need to know about what to eat and when to fuel your muscle-building, fat-burning mission as well as the supplements that can help you make bigger gains faster. This is the only guide you will ever need to build rock-hard abs.

Sale price$3.13
Digital magazine

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Country:              United Kingdom

ISSN Number:      1781060BRHA

Published By:       Dennis Publishing UK


Fulfilled By:          Zinio

Available On:        Web Reader, Desktop Reader, iPad, iPhone & Android

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