How to become a photo expert Magazine (Digital Version)

Digital photography has without doubt made it easier for novice photographers to take better pictures. The affordable prices of entry level models has widened the appeal of photography as a mainstream hobby. While the facility to instantly review images to check factors such as composition, exposure and focus has made it possible for photographers to improve at a faster rate than ever before. However, as experienced photographers are well aware, there is a difference between shooting a technically good image and one that stands out as exceptional. The choice of factors such as viewpoint and aperture setting, and the use of the right lens or filter, all play a major part in determining how a scene is recorded and is something that can only be learned over time by regularly taking pictures and many of the UK’s leading photographers that offer expert advice on how to improve your photography and master a variety of photographic disciplines. The best way to become a photo expert is to learn from experiences and successful photographers and this guide to aims to help you do just that.

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Country:              United Kingdom

ISSN Number:      1781060HBPE

Published By:       Dennis Publishing UK


Fulfilled By:          Zinio

Available On:        Web Reader, Desktop Reader, iPad, iPhone & Android

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