Low Light Photography Magazine (Digital Version)

Knowing how to handle your camera when available light is in short supply is rewarding in itself and will improve your photographic technique in all shooting conditions. This guide takes you through the fundamentals of exposure, controlling ISO, image 'noise' and how to keep it in check. It deals with the techniques for capturing sharp, well-exposed images without a tripod, and shows you how to get those surreal long exposure shots of subjects like flowing water and star trails. Lift your sunset and sunrise compositions beyond the everyday using the simple tips provided in Low Light Photography. Mixed lighting is a particular challenge - obtaining a well-exposed shot when there's a bright light source in an otherwise dark scene. Low Light Photography shows you how - with a minimum of jargon.

Sale price$6.20
Digital magazine

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Country:              Australia

ISSN Number:      978-1-922156-24-2

Published By:       Media Publishing Pty Limited


Fulfilled By:          Zinio

Available On:        Web Reader, Desktop Reader, iPad, iPhone & Android

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