The Independent Guide to the Apple iPhone 5C Magazine (Digital Version)

The back is plastic – and plastic is back. The iPhone 5c has put the fun back into the world’s leading smartphone. When rumours began that Apple was making a plastic iPhone, people assumed it must be a cheaper version. Second best. But Sir Jonathan Ive has been working with polycarbonate since the 1990s, when his original iMac changed the way we thought about computers. And the iPhone’s meteoric rise began with plastic models like the 3GS. So there was never any reason to doubt that the iPhone 5c would be a gorgeous and powerful product in its own right. Sure enough, it is…and it’s a little bit cheaper too. Get the best from it with this comprehensive and fully illustrated guide.

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ISSN Number:      1781060nx

Published By:       Dennis Publishing UK


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Available On:        Web Reader, Desktop Reader, iPad, iPhone & Android

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