The Story of The Voyager Magazine (Digital Version)

The twin Voyager spacecraft have been speeding through the cosmos for two-thirds of the entire Space Age. Between them they visited four planets and 48 moons, 23 of which we had no idea existed. They saw new rings, volcanoes, geysers and even aurorae. Now Voyager 1 is pushing the very limit of exploration, as it ventures into the unknown of interstellar space. In The Story of Voyager we explore their astounding and complex legacy, joined by some of the scientists who worked on the mission, a majestic tale that rewrote the textbooks and is still infuencing NASA today.

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Country:              United Kingdom

ISSN Number:      152011082017

Published By:       Immediate Media Company London Limited


Fulfilled By:          Zinio

Available On:        Web Reader, Desktop Reader, iPad, iPhone & Android

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