Ultimate Cross Stitch Fantasy Magazine (Digital Version)

Ultimate Cross Stitch Fantasy is a beautiful collection of designs that celebrate the magical world. There are over 170 inspiring projects in this special issue, from quick-stitch motifs to stunningly detailed scenes. Inside this issue: ✱ Designs for every level of cross stitcher, from beginner to advanced ✱ Patterns by the world's best cross stitch designers and artists ✱ Beautifully photographed projects ✱ Clear charts and keys with both colour and symbols Includes designs by Joan Elliott, Lesley Teare, Lucie Heaton, Adam Pescott, Debra Page, Maria Diaz, Susan Bates and more!

Sale price$8.37
Digital magazine

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Country:              United Kingdom

ISSN Number:      155613052016

Published By:       Immediate Media Company London Limited


Fulfilled By:          Zinio

Available On:        Web Reader, Desktop Reader, iPad, iPhone & Android

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