VOGUE girl Magazine (Digital Version)

『VOGUE JAPAN』の増刊として、2011年3 月に発行。20代女性のためのスタイルマガジンとして、世界視野のモードやトレンドに出会う年頃のヴォーグ・ガールたちに、ジャンルや世代、国境を飛び越え「可愛い」だけではなく、スタイルを持った生き方を提唱します。The first issue of VOGUE girl will be launched in March 2011 as a special issue distributed together with VOGUE JAPAN. As a style magazine aimed at young women in their 20s, it will advocate ways of living with style, not limited merely to achieving the sort of “cuteness” that leaps across national borders, to the generation of “vogue girls” who are at the age when they begin to encounter a worldwide view of mode and trends.

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Digital magazine

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Country:              Japan

ISSN Number:      2185-9736

Published By:       Conde Nast Japan LLC


Fulfilled By:          Zinio

Available On:        Web Reader, Desktop Reader, iPad, iPhone & Android

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