LIFE The Mob Magazine (Digital Version)

The Mob. The Mafia. Organized crime. Call it what you will, but America’s violent underworld has always fascinated us: the colorful criminals, dirty cops, crooked politicians and shady businessmen. It’s a hard and high-stakes world, fueled by profits to be had from gambling, prostitution, extortion, graft, illegal booze and narcotics. Now you can explore the fascinating history of the Mob in America through the lens of this new special edition. Delve into the history of organized crime, the power struggles, the crimes and feats of trigger-happy thugs and political bosses, and even the truth behind the classic film, The Godfather. Explore why the mobster has become a mythic figure in America’s history; why Hollywood has long been compelled to tell the stories; and even how the Mob is evolving in today’s digital age. Striking photographs from throughout the past century combine with sharp biographies to reveal the key players and historical figures who loomed large in the cities and towns across the country and who loom even larger in our minds.

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Country:              United States

ISSN Number:      LIFETheMob

Published By:       Meredith Corporation


Fulfilled By:          Zinio

Available On:        Web Reader, Desktop Reader, iPad, iPhone & Android

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