Studio Classroom 空中英語教室 Magazine (Digital Version)

「空中英語教室」則是本地發行量僅次於「大家說英語」的英語教學雜誌,紮實豐富的雜誌內容、配合廣播與電視的教學,多年來,贏得金鐘獎與金鼎獎等獎項與肯定。目前「空中英語教室」亦於中國大陸、美、加、歐洲、澳、紐等地發行並播送。在iPad 及電腦版閱讀可享「課文MP3朗讀」服務。*貼心提醒:因數位技術變遷,為了能提供您較佳的閱讀體驗,請選購2010年(含)以後至最新一期之期數。 Studio Classroom is the second most popular English-teaching magazine in Taiwan. The magazine and accompanying radio and TV programs have won numerous awards over the years, including Taiwan's famous Golden Bell and Golden Tripod Awards. Studio Classroom is distributed and broadcast in Mainland China, the U.S. Canada, Europe, Australia and New Zealand. [iPad and PC version includes audio MP3]

Sale price$5.55
Digital magazine

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Country:              Taiwan

ISSN Number:      10155902

Published By:       Studio Classroom


Fulfilled By:          Zinio

Available On:        Web Reader, Desktop Reader, iPad, iPhone & Android

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