Ultimate Adventure Bike Magazine (Digital Version)

Our goal in ULTIMATE ADVENTURE BIKE AUSTRALIA is to appreciate everyone that’s having a crack — big or small — and enjoying whatever it is that’s an adventure to you. Hopefully, along the way we can steer you in the right direction (pun kinda intended) and bring to the fore just how much fun and how liberating adventure riding is. The adventure bike scene is one of the most vibrant across the globe and nowhere is it more relevant than in this vast sunburnt country. We were built by adventurers and the need to explore is in our blood. There’s never been a better time to do it on a motorcycle with an amazing array of machines and gear available for all. And now they’re finding freedom once again on bikes that take them back in bush and well beyond, in a less aggressive environment. Now is the time to reach those riders. Readers will be treated to the highest quality photography and journalism with bike tests and bucketlist rides leading the features. Each issue will also have dedicated ride tutorials and handy on track how to’s and will be chockas full of gear and accessories that we know this audience loves.

Sale price$4.34
Digital magazine

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Country:              Australia

ISSN Number:      2209-2374

Published By:       Universal Wellbeing PTY Limited


Fulfilled By:          Zinio

Available On:        Web Reader, Desktop Reader, iPad, iPhone & Android

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